Do you ever wonder who started the trend of doing life in shipping containers?

When I was younger I used to look at shipping containers and imagine sneaking into a container and ending up at some random foreign exotic island. Now that I’m older, and a bit more practical (sometimes) I’ve really been fan-girling over the exquisite architecture that others have created with shipping containers. Seriously, just scroll through these photos. I can’t even. Pure genius.

My obsession for containers really sparked in a law school classroom when I kept interrupting my friend studying and telling him this is the future of real estate. Whether I’m crazy or a genius, or a mix of both (highly likely) shipping containers are an economical way to maximize space, cash money and within your space. It just so happens my current client has the same obsession as me, shipping containers. In short hand, my job is to transform his estate into a ‘community landmark experience.’ We’re giving his company and his land a whole new life - Fill The City; the plastic surgeon of brands and properties.

Shipping containers can be designed into legit works of art, whether they’re permanent or mobile. Some concepts of functional spaces are co-working spaces, commercial retail locations, cafes, hotels/hostels, recording studios, and homes tbh. Some containers don’t don’t even have to stay in one place, they can be mobile. Check out Close the Gap & their DigiTruck below- A mobile nonprofit + solar non profit container classroom to provide education in rural areas.

Speaking of cool classrooms - if anyone’s looking to expand a commercial location, possibly even a school since were on the topic. The Waldorf School in Orange County won the ‘ Green Design Award” with their shipping containers. Also a great solution for retail locations since the overhead is low and its unique and we all know retail needs an adrenaline shot revival like that reminiscent of Pulp Fiction avec John Travolta x Uma Thurman.

Hope you never look at shipping containers the same again…and possible inspired you to do something creative today.

Feel free to share this post with someone who loves architecture and real estate!

xx Montana